Sunday, May 5, 2024

It Must've Been A Superpower

Ponder, even for a few minutes, what saddling the republic with these three unmitigated douchebags for nearly 20 years combined (out of the last 32) has done to this country. If most people could've seen 2024 from 1993, they'd have gone all torches and pitchforks 30 years ago. Just thinking about it now, you'd be able to watch your blood pressure rise like the tide, in real time.

Sunday Music: Vincent

Don McLean's other masterpiece.

Friday, May 3, 2024

See What I Did There?

Nit-pickers would argue that it would be an intelligent design.

Yes, But...

Even ordinary men have a limit beyond which they will not be pushed.

Peter at BRM thinks some folks are "fedposting", i.e. inciting violence. That suggesting people need to be tossed from helicopters or shot in the face is going too far. And that civic decorum must needs be maintained.

His blog, his rules. 

Some folks posting may indeed be feds; entrapment is what they do. Buuuut...

People haven't "had it" yet, because they aren't doing it.

And the fedposting is, as usual, the Usual Anonymous Suspects. As always.

But it's myopic to think one side can (or should) unswervingly maintain the ROL unilaterally.

It was 77 "terrorists" on Lexington Common who touched things off last time, and shooting people in the face was suddenly in vogue.

Some tyrants don't learn any other way, and most people realize, generally belatedly, that all their efforts at a peaceful solution were nothing but appeasement, which enervated their allies while emboldening their enemies to push farther and harder.

What can't continue, won't.

Feds are gonna fedpoast; it's all they've got. They've seen what happens when they try the direct approach. It never turns out as they'd hoped. Boo frickin' hoo.

"There's nothing wrong with shooting.
As long as the right people get shot.
- Inspector Harold Calahan, SFPD

But you have the literal brownshirt army and senior political leadership, from the Oval Office on down(!), already spearheading open calls to consider the right half of the country terrorists, kill them, lock them in concentration camps, and re-educate them. The trouble is, all of us know where those boxcars drop off, and we won't be having any of that this time, nor anytime.

The fuse is lit and only getting shorter Peter, and however that saddens you, you're wise enough to recognize it isn't going to grow itself longer over time.

We're already living in what is a total and unmitigated banana republic except admitting its existence  openly and outright. And that minor lack is a pretty thin fig leaf over what's been going on for years, stretching into decades.

The question isn't whether or not things blow up.

It's only down to where and when, and the only thing standing between this moment and that one is random circumstance, and a few pounds of trigger pressure.

Then the ball is open, and the range is hot in both directions.

Pointing those truths out isn't calling for it. It's just reading a thermometer on a boiler headed for an explosion. What's coming isn't rhetoric and philosophy. It's chemistry and physics.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Trick Question

There are no college students in the picture.

They're all professional agitators and paid crisis actors, getting their usual fawning tongue-bath from their butt buddy fellow communists in the enemedia. Divemedic has a few examples from the recent USF shenanigans. Peter at BRM is on the same trail. (UPDATE: Middle Of The Right piles on too.) Seems all the wheels are coming off the "spontaneous protest" wagon.

This has been nothing more than another astro-turfed "grassroots" nothingburger.

No word on when they'll be arresting terrorism-funder-in-chief Soros for all this orchestrated and catered nonsense and violence, and getting him the Waterboard Suite at the GITMO Hilton, but it should have been 10 years ago.

Just as it would be instructive to start shooting at the "Patriot Front" whenever they hold a rally, to force the FBI to explain why they inexplicably had 42 agents wounded in one day, the police responding to these protests should switch from rubber bullets and tear gas to copper-jacketed lead, so that people could note the number of 45-year-old Clinton regime holdout career criminal troublemakers and 70-year-old aging hippies from the 1960s with new bullet wounds or posthumous FAFO Medals making up and directing 98% of the current round of fake unrest going on at the moment.

Stock up on canned goods. It's going to be a bumpy year.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Latest From CA


It does indeed appear as expected. To which progress we add hearty encouragement:

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sunday Music: Goodbye Stranger


Supertramp's Top Twenty (#15) hit from 1979, off their quad-platinum album Breakfast In America, with a killer guitar solo close.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Serving A Niche Market

We already have pre-booked orders to pick up two busloads of pro-Hamas demonstrators, paid in advance.

Note to JT in Springfield: No, we can't "mess with the GPS" of certain motorcades to accomplish the same thing, and you already know why after your last chat with The Guys In Black Suits Wearing Earpieces. Stop asking. But yes, you're right, that's pretty funny. Theoretically.